.+. this is me. this is canada. welcome to the experience of a (uni) lifetime. .+.

Virgin Snowvel

For the first time in my life, I shovelled snow today!! Hahaha. Well. I did it all alone. Shovelled the walkway in front of my block and my adjacent block. It was quite fun. I did it at night though. I'm supposed to do it for the whole of this week, so if it snows again I'll shovel in the day. Maybe then I can get some pictures of me and the shovel! Hahaha.

Met Swepna to study today but I only managed to read half my book. :(

Tried to get a haircut today too, in view of the upcoming Chinese New Year, and the upcoming webcam party. Haha. Plus my hair is getting a little unruly and lifeless looking. :( Well. I went to the one in campus at the Student Life Centre (SLC) and it costs $21!!! That is so pricey?? Plus the people there were all so stuck-up and snobbish and cool-aloof-ICY-Princessy. Yucks. I get this feeling it might be because they think I'm from China or something. Needless to say, I didn't get their princessy-priced-attitude-haircut.

I should walk around with a 'Sunny Singapore' tag on or something.



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