.+. this is me. this is canada. welcome to the experience of a (uni) lifetime. .+.

Frozen Chicken

It snowed today! Snow gathers really fast on the ground and trees... And the wind was SO strong. I could SEE the wind moving (ok, actually its the snow particles that got picked up by the wind and so it looks like the wind).

Yah, really strong. I almost got blown off. Actually I did get displaced by the wind. Woo. Haha.

And the wind is SO cold. And it's so strong, when it blows the snow in your face, it really feels like needles and pins. My thighs were SO cold I really felt like a naked, frozen chicken. Haha.

Ok. Just took some scenery shots today. I tried to take a picture of a squirrel but they run so fast! They're so plump and they run so fast!
[above: various snowscape shots. in campus. SO WHITE RIGHT?? I love fresh snow. Gimme snow over rain anyday, man.]
[above: bicycles in a row! a lot of students ride a bike to school here.]
Oh, and the snow and ice freezes over cars too, so you'll see a lot of these drivers scraping off the ice and snow before they can drive the car. Freezing cold, man, to do all that in the snow and wind! Brrrrr.


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