.+. this is me. this is canada. welcome to the experience of a (uni) lifetime. .+.

Bleached Hands

Do not ever handwash your clothes after bleaching them. Your hands will feel raw and slimy! Haha.

Today I made Crème de Champignons soup! Sounds so pompous right? Haha. Actually it's just french for Cream of Mushroom. I thought Campbell's so pompous even on their cans.

See my dinner? Haha. One small can of Campbells' Crème de Champignons actually makes two bowls. So that's two bowls of soup, plus buttered toast, plus an apple pie I blatantly took from Kailin's and Daph's severy. Haha. I know lah, looks like breakfast menu instead right? Well, I was trying to finish the bread, since it's 'best before 14 Jan'.

And look what else I blatantly helped myself to:
[Milk! Yes, I had too much juice, hence the juice bottles. Well, they're for omelettes ok, the white milk. :D ]
This is the common pantry and lounging area:
[TV: most times people hang around and watch the ice-hockey matches. One of the windows dropped out once so it was freezing man! Anyway, I only use the toaster; don't know where those kettles have been. Haha!]
[Electric stove, microwave, etc. etc. The stove here is so much more friendly than the one in PGP! Haha. Oh, and there's a normal fridge and a freezer-fridge, too.]
Anyway, things in Canada are usually in both English and French, like how most things are in English and Chinese in Singapore, except sometimes we have stuff in four languages.

Yup. Didn't do much today. Tried to read Troilus and Cressida, but it's s.o.o.o.o.o boring. How many thousand times do people wanna write about the stupid Trojan war???

To cheer everyone up, namely myself, (haha), here're some good-memory-lane photos that bring a smile to my face. :)
[Hoh Yeah! Cousins power! Dawn is a cheeky-photo-narcissist in the making. Hahahaha. Kidding!!]
[Hoh yeah! Mm-MM. Siblings power! Charles is my favourite boy bodyguard and Lisa is my favourite girl teddy bear!]
[And, LOVE POWER. Uh-huh! Me and my favourite boy, and me and my favourite family. They're all in white! Some conspiracy, hmmm!

Ahem. *I'm not the black sheeeeeeeeep!!* Haha.]


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