.+. this is me. this is canada. welcome to the experience of a (uni) lifetime. .+.

Surprise Saturday

You will NOT believe this. 'Cuz I can't believe it either.

So I had a rough night, right, or morning, rather, since I slept at 6am in the morning? And woke up royally at 1130am. So I woke up, groggy-eyed, and went about my business (read: checking eagerly for emails, *ahem*, going on the MSN, Skype, etc.) and was just having a chat with my friend about some really sticky problem he's having, thinking I'm going to have such a slow, lazy Saturday cooking pasta (finally!) and getting some reading done (finally!) when SUDDENLY! There's this loud banging on my door.

Well I was thinking, "ugh, what? Did my alarm clock wake her up again?? No wait, I didn't set any alarm clock...". So I opened my door, and, Oh. My. Gosh. There stood Don and Grace, looking slightly bewildered and worried and lost.

Don't know who Don and Grace is? Well, here's a digression then: One fine eve of Christmas's eve in Suntec, my sister, my baby, and I, were running around madly trying to get gifts before the stores close. There was a held-up at the escalator and I was wondering what was going on?? Oh apparently there's a lady who's having some trouble with the crawling electronic stairs. There were some people who were trying to help her, and some just walked by (!!!!), but she just couldn't do it. So in the end, I offered my help and she accepted my hand and there we go. So we're just talking, and turns out she's just stopping over in Singapore for a few days. And she's from CANADA. *jump jump*

"I'm going there in a few days!"
"Oh? Where??"
"Ontario, Toronto, I'm going to the University of Waterloo."
"OHH?? Well we live right near by! Like about 10 miles away!" (10 miles?!?!)
"OHHHH?????" *jump jump jump*

So we exchanged contact details, and sent a few emails, and I promised to get in touch once I reach Canada. We had one phonecall and that was it. Things started going crazy in campus, and they had their lives to get on with, so I thought ah, I'll probably visit them during the Spring break or something.

And today, there they were! They decided to just take a drive and take a risk.

In a nutshell, it's serendipity to the MAX.

I can only imagine how I looked to THEM! Dishevelled, groggy, and extremely, extremely surprised.

"Don! Grace! Oh my Gosh! HIiiiiiiiiiii!!!"

It was so exciting. Hahaha. *hug! hug!*

So, they got a view of my unkempt self and my very, very unkempt room, and then they whisked me off to Guelph.

[The drive there. The wind was so strong today, the clouds were moving as though you can feel the globe turning.]
Their house is A-Mazing. It is SO pretty. It was all cream and wood furnish, with mild yellow-lights and, oh, it's so pretty. Like warm apple-pies and fresh vanilla ice-cream.

Grace took me out for shopping a little, cuz they were concerned about my boots and feet. And they were laughing at my snow-shovelling duties. Hahaha. Then we went to pick up some groceries for dinner. Grace was so sweet, you know, she kept asking like, do you want fish? Beef? Chicken? Fish? Ok, what fish? And vegetables? Do you want brocolli? What's your favourite? And baked potatoes? Oh, we could do baked potatoes with butter and sour cream. And dessert? Ice-cream? Mincemeat pie? Carrot cake?

Spoilt for choice, I tell you.

[Buildings in Guelph: typically built from stone. Grace told me it's because the early settlers came and found loads of stone quarries. I think stone is so medieval and Arthurian.]
[And this is the church Grace goes to.]
And check this out, man, this is their basement. It was like a wine-cellar! And actually, Don makes his own wine! And he's got tonnes of awards for them too!

[It's so cool, and they have this huge, huge glass bottles of wine. Behind the small TV. And beside the small TV and microwave is a wine-cellar. Amazing.]
[That's the 'wine-station'. Check out the alcohol-thermometers and mixers. And the turpentine-looking bottles? Those are Don Cooper's personal blend of red-wine.]
[And these above? They're all his blends too. The bottle with the red cap is his very first blend. 1972 or something. Wow-ee.]
And further in, there's a wood-work station. PAPA! Check this out! It's just like the movies!

[The woodwork area]

[Random pieces of wood; knobs on machine]
Don makes his own table-mats kinda thing. Not sure what to call them, but you can use them for whatever, like put a pot of hot stuff on the 'mat' on the table. See? These were made from oak.
[Don and his masterpieces!]
And then, it was time for dinner!
[Check it out! Baked salmon, brocolli, and baked potato with sour cream and onion! Very, very good. Mmmm-MM. And there's Don's blend of Chardonnay.]
I helped Grace lay the table, and I got the forks wrong. *Oops* One was for the main course, and one was for dessert. I gave her two dessert forks! *blush* My table etiquette really needs some work!!

And this was dessert! LISA!!! LEMON MERINGUE PIE!!! (Pronounced, mer-rang). What we've wanted to bake like for forever. Here it is. It's SO dreamily made.
[Lemon meringue pie. All that white stuff's just beaten egg-white and sugar. Oh my, oh my!]
After dinner we went out to Zellers to see if there're reasonably-priced boots. Zellers's this huge mart, huger than Giants, like Carrefour on one floor. And look what I bought!
[Yes! Good, sturdy, CHEAP, Thinsulate, waterproof boots by 3M! 30CAD!
AND super cute doggy bedroom slippers! 5CAD! Grace calls it a 'chou-chou dog'. So cute!]
Grace gave me a set of red hat, scarf, and gloves that she thought will look "really smart on me". They are SO chilli-red and loud! I like! Check it out:

Oh yeah! Hahaha. Es noir mui bien! Whatever that means! Hahah.
And here's to the people who made today so wonderful!
They've been married 40 years. Wonderful, huh? :)
Don and Grace.
[Thank you! :)]


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