.+. this is me. this is canada. welcome to the experience of a (uni) lifetime. .+.

Welcome Winter

Today, I finally got to experience some real winter. It has been chilly-cold all January, with sporadic snowing, and almost everyone just keeps telling me, "Oh, you ain't see nothing yet. This is the mildest winter in years!", or "Oh, this is no winter. This is like spring!", or, "This is really unusual for winter. Usually we have snow 30cm high!".

Well we got THAT today. The 30cm high snow, I mean. :S Whoever's on snow-shovelling duty this week didn't do his job!! I had to wade through all that snow, WADE through, to get to the main road.

And the wind!!! O.M.G. It's crazy. It's so strong, it bites. I think the weather was -6 this morning, but the 45km/h wind made it plunge all the way to -16.

No kidding, I tell you. After half-running, half-shuffling to school (you don't want to run too fast because you'll just slip and fall on black ice!), I got to my Victorian class venue, only to find the whole building in darkness.

I thought I missed the class totally, which wasn't quite right since I wasn't THAT late, so I shuffled over to my professor's office, and the whole building was dark too. The building is such a labyrinth I get lost with the lights on, not to mention now that it's all dark!!

Well, all that wind and snow had caused a power failure in half the campus. Imagine that! And when I was in Guelph, we have power failure for 1 hour 12 min!! No kidding, man!

I was half-debating if I should just shuffled back to my room to concuss, haha, but decided to check out my next class. And it's on. Bleagh. And so was my 3.30pm class. Bleagh. So I camped out in Tim Hortons to get my homework done, and have just waded back to my room.

I had an amazing weekend in Guelph--super eventful. I will update that soon! :D


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