.+. this is me. this is canada. welcome to the experience of a (uni) lifetime. .+.

Dulness List

The "Dulness List" is my other name for (Essays)-To-Do-List. It's not a spelling error, Dulness, so go look it up if you're interested.

Anyway, I'm bored. To be more specific, I'm fretting. Because my virgin essay for the University of Waterloo is due. Today. It's not complete. In fact, I've written only a working-introduction and a pseudo-conclusion.

My virgin essay!!! What if I flunk it??? I am so scared my English is too inadequate for all these people here. What if it sounds too, Singaporean.?


To cheer myself up--somewhat, anyway--I've done up a Dulness List. That is, a complete list of graded stuff, or stuff that I'll get points for, for this whole semester. It looks formidable and scary, but I am Xena Catharinaroar so I will conquer it!!!

Hahaha. I'm kidding. It's just an ego-booster, to remind myself that I (am going to) accomplish so (freaking) much. :D:D

[[I was going to put 'xoxo, cat', as a signing off, cuz it looks apt here, but what the hell does 'xoxo' stand for??? I'm not well-versed in Western SMS lingo. Sobs.]]


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