.+. this is me. this is canada. welcome to the experience of a (uni) lifetime. .+.

Happy CNY!

It's the first day of Chinese New Year!

Thank you Don and Grace, for wishing me a happy new year, and for sending your love and hugs! :) Most appreciated in this lonely holiday... Haha. But I'm seeing you next week, so that's something to look forward to! :)

I woke up to an amazing crowd of people waiting for me on the other side of the world--my lovely, huge family (6 families + grandparents)!! They watched me wake up!! I talked to them even before washing up... Haha... *embarrassed*

My gosh, they look so celebratory and happy! All dressed up and I could feel all that festive mood emanating from the tiny webcam. :*( HAPPY NEW YEAR my dearests!

This post is henceforth dedicated to them! :)


(malaysia) 婆婆爷爷: 新年快乐! 祝你们万事如意,天天快乐! 还有,(in Hokkien) xin1 jia1 dua3 tan3 (身体健康)!

(yishun) 婆婆爷爷: 恭喜发财!! 祝你们新年快乐, 财源滚进, 万事如意!

叔叔婶婶, wilson, jeffrey: 新年快乐, 恭喜发财!! 祝你们心想事成, 财源滚进, 万事如意!

三姨! 新年快乐! 祝你永远活泼美丽, 可爱动人! 开开心心, 万事如意!

小姨! 新年快乐! 祝你永远魅力无比, 心境舒阔, 心想事成, 万事如意!

二姨! 新年快乐! 祝你身体健康, 马到功成, 财源滚滚滚滚进, 生意兴隆, 步步高升, 蒸蒸日上上上!

大舅母! 新年快乐! 祝你永远青春美丽, 笑口常开, 轻松快乐, 万事如意!

大舅! 新年快乐! 祝你生意兴隆, 头脑英明, 收复挺胸 (哈哈哈!), 心想事成,步步高升!

小舅! 恭喜发财! 祝你新年快乐, 事业顺利, 步步高升, 一步登天!

小舅母! 恭喜发发财! 新年快乐! 祝你永远美丽开心, 身材迷人, 笑口大常开!

二姨丈, 三姨丈! 新年快乐! 祝你们恭喜发发发发财! 财源滚进, 生意兴隆, 事事顺利!


To 比较大的小孩子:

小妹! 新年快乐!! 祝你工作愉快, 假期更愉快! (哈哈!)

李伟, 超超! 新年快乐! 祝你们学业超棒,友谊
and cousin-谊万岁!

李义! 祝你新年快乐, 学业突飞猛进 (Express)!!

靖惠! 祝你新年快乐, 灿烂动人, 身材一及棒, 还有学业进步!

嘉仪! 祝你新年快乐! 在新的学校, 祝你前途璀灿光辉!

祉倩! 祝你新年快乐! 在新的学校, 祝你有一片明朗的天空! 有一句良言要给你: 关于朋友--"天下无不散之筵席"!
(Ask 小姐姐 for detailed derived meaning!)


全部小孩! Now that I'm here, 小姐姐 is your No. 1 in command! You all must listen to her and make sure you all have a happy, noisy, and no-quarrels new year! Here's wishing you all 新年快乐, 热闹无比!

还有最重要的, 爸爸妈妈!! 新年快乐!! 爸爸! 恭喜发发发发财! 财源滚进! 天天开心! 恩恩爱爱! 妈咪! 心想事成! 天天开心! 舒畅愉快! 永远是我美丽的妈咪!

Ok, wah, so long! Hahaha. I hope I didn't get any of the kids' names wrong!! :S:S If yes please tell me ok! In the chatbox! Don't tell me also can, hahaha, then I won't paiseh. :D:D

Happy Chinese New Year! :):)


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