.+. this is me. this is canada. welcome to the experience of a (uni) lifetime. .+.


I had coffee with my Victorian Literature professor today. It was a hard-to-come-by coffee, ok! Why? Because it took nearly 3 hours of waiting time!! :S:S

Well. He's so busy. But he is SUCH A NICE GUY!! He's one of my favourites. Hah! :D

Also, I made a new friend in the Victorian class. She's actually in a lot of my other classes, and she really stands out because she's so tiny. Oxymoronic, I know. She has this amazing hair and oh-my-gosh her eyes, too. But I've never dared to befriend her because she exudes that really snobbish air. Just that aloof-too-cool vibe. Plus she has that Vogue-expression on her face. So it's not exactly the most approachable aura she gives.

On Wednesday I finally mustered up the courage to smile at her. (Gee, I sound like a desperate, smitten guy. Hahahah.) And she actually smiled back!! (Oh, yes, definitely sound even more like a poor infatuated guy now. Eeeks!!)

Yeah well, I was telling Mr.Boyfriend that I made a lot of friends by skipping classes. 'Cuz 'hey... were you here last class? Only because I missed it, and I wondered what he covered?' is such a brilliant excuse to strike up a conversation. Hahahahhahahaa. *guffaws*

And it's true! Most of the people I approached are so nice. (Well, obviously you don't go knocking on the wrong doors in the first place, yeah?) They are willing to share notes here and actually fill you in in detail about what went on in the class. Of course it's never as good as if you had actually attended the lesson, but it far surpasses those cursory, oh, yeah, he talked about the relationship between XX and YY in the book, basically.

Like, Oh, ok. What about????

OHhhh, you know, the usual. (Proceeds to give some vague nonsense about, bigass themes like redemption, betrayal, entrapment etc. that really doesn't say anything specific.)



Where was I. Oh, yes. So me and my 'new friend' got to chatting a little, and she told me she's not doing so well in this other class we're in, whereas she was doing good in Victorian... etc.

I do feel good that we kinda 'broke the ice'. Cuz it's like we know we're in each other's classes, but we've never really went beyond knowing. Haha. So it's good.

Whilst waiting for my professor, too, I met his PhD student, Faith. She has a mild British accent. (Yes, I'm a sucker for British accent cuz it oozes aristocracy. Muahahhaha. Ok. Yes.) And this is the ?? time that someone told me, "Your English is very good."

I don't understand why they say that?

Plus. I'm from SINGAPORE. S-I-N-G-A-P-O-R-E, people. Not China!!! Ugh.

Anyway, Faith and I hit off really well too! She just became a grandmother, and she showed me her little baby grand-daughter's pictures as well. LOVELY!! This year is actually her 40th anniversary too?? Like WHAT A COINCIDENCE. This year is also Don's and Grace's 40th year??


Oh, she's actually marking papers for another Shakespeare class too. And she gave me some pointers about my way-overdue Victorian essay.

Isn't it so cool to have coffee and a little chit-chat with your professors and people like Faith? :D

At the end, we exchanged emails. (Emails are really big here, I gather.) So I think I've got another friend. Yay. :D

LASTLY, I forgot to say. I bought the wrong muffin today. I wanted raisin bran, but I took carrot spice instead. I mean, Carrots and SPICE? Erm.

Just not my cuppa tea. :X

It's not as awful as it sounds. Just that, um, I'm not at THAT level yet. I've only recently upgraded to Raisin Bran. Haha. :D:D

Okie. I saw a fabulous magazine that is THE magazine for my sister, I think. Will get it soon!!! Hahahaha. Not gonna tell you what it is about though. It's a little surprise!! Nahaha. And feelin girlie, I also bought a girlie magazine for myself. Yay!

I'm lovin' my Fridays. Hee.

Alright. Gonna snuggle up with some frivolous reading. :D Tata!!


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