.+. this is me. this is canada. welcome to the experience of a (uni) lifetime. .+.

Please Don't Do This!!

Oh. And I HAVE to blog about this. I had the most horrific and traumatic night yesterday. My worst, WORST nightmare just forced its way into this wintry reality. What is the absolute worst nightmare that can happen??

Run outta food? Zehrs' just bus ride away.
Too cold in your room? Heating down?? Just bundle into a furball.
Bad hair day? Please, wear a toque!
Feel fat? Just cover up the mirror.
Outta money? HOW CAN YOU RUN OUT OF MONEY ON EXCHANGE?!?!?! BAD PLANNING! BAD BUDGETTING! NO DISCIPLINE! Serves you right!! (Stop. Stop. Stop. That's the result of too much anxiety that I'd be in that position.. but. Ok. Stop. OK BABE SHUT UP ALREADY. Hahaha.)

Ok, ok. Seriously. This is the absolute worst.

My laptop died.

DIED! Switched off! Blank screen! Blue screen! "Disk Failure. Hit any key when ready."!! Kaput! Non! Ke belakang pusing!

Oops. Return of the NPCC-repressed training. MuaHahahaha. Sorry. Um. Yes.

SO my computer died. LIKE OMG!!! My first thought was, OMG please, you really, really can't do this to me, my darling lappie!! Please!! And then it was: I'm SO cut off from the world now. I can't talk to Mr. Boyfriend or my family! HOW, HOW, HOW!!

What happened was: I was talking to my sister, when suddenly my laptop starting making this horrrrrrid sound, like something was stuck in the fan. I switched it off, and the next thing I know, it absolutely refused to start.

I tried to take it apart (hahaha) but I only managed to open up the keyboard area. Was too scared I might rip the keyboard out so I didn't pull too hard. (Yeah, right. Those who know me know what is my 'pull too hard'. Hahaha.) Managed to see the fan area and it's pretty clear, except for little dust bunnies. Blew it a little and snapped the keyboard back into place.

Tried to reboot again. And that sound came back. I was so traumatized! It sounded like my lappie might just spontaneously explode and combust ALA cartoon-style.

It's the weekend, so my unit is deserted except for me. I ran to look for my floor manager to get a screwdriver. He wasn't in his room!!

I found him in the common room watching "The Mummy" and I completely sounded like a distraught-damsel-in-distress-OMG-please-resuscitate-my-laptop-please!!

Haha. I'm telling you. It's totally absurd. My lappie has as much PMSy angst as me, ok. Like when Prateek (my floor manager) came to my room to take a look, this *AHEM* lappie of mine booted up JUST FINE. No funky noise, no blank screen, nothing. I even got to log in!!!

Can you believe it!!

It absolutely felt like a Plath moment. -_- ||


Well. As soon as Prateek left, though, it promptly died on me again. Like. WTH!!! I showered it with XOXOXOXOXOXOX and it just refused to reciprocate my love.

UGH. I went hunting for Prateek again and was so embarrassed that I keep interrupting his show.

Eventually, my lappie decided to honour me with an acknowledgement of its alive-status by giving me a blue screen that said "Begin dumping of physical memory".

OMG LIKE WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT MEAN?!?!?! What are you "dumping"?!? And what the hell is "physical memory"???

Um. Yes. Computer illiteracy is embarrassing like that. ;)

Haha. Anyway I decided to migrate my lappie-resuscitation project into the common room where Prateek's good-natured charming vibe might rub off my PMSy laptop. But no. My princessy laptop just continued to throw its ballistic tantrums.

While "The Mummy" was regenerating itself and going nuts with the beetles and sand and whatnot, I was willing my laptop to PLEASE don't do this to me. Hahaha. It was a Matilda moment, know??

Yeah, it took me for a little ride when it sputtered for a moment, even let me log in, and whilst I was transferring the files to back it up, it promptly winked at me and collapsed back into oblivion.

Finally, finally, finally. I've never been more happy to hear the awful startup ting-ting-ting-ting sound of Microsoft Windows. YAY!!! I very gingerly plugged in the USB port and transferred the files ONE-BY-ONE. So afraid was I that my lappie will complain I'm making her work too hard!

Haha. Yes. Traumatic. Seriously!!

*Kisses my laptop* MWA MWA!!

My darling laptop is princessy, diva-ish, erratic, pouty, but it is my absolute precious. *mwa mwa!!* Thank you for coming back to me. *mwa mwa!!*

Hahaha. Ok. Thank God. Yay.

*Hahh....* Sigh of relief. :):)


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